dimecres, 8 de juliol del 2015

Our first evening activity!

First of all, the teachers want to say hello in the typical chilly British weather.

We hope tomorrow is a bit better and hotter!

Our morning has started at 09:00 as always, after our morning assembly, the students have gone to class. After lunch time, they have prepared for our sports activities. Today we've been canoeing. We know it is not the best weather for water sports but good enough at least to try.

It was so cold that the teachers had to buy some socks and scarves! Look, like real 'guiris'!

And, of course, Carlota's favourite snack!

Then, students went to their host houses to have dinner and get ready for their evening activity which is Ceilic dance, a traditional British dance.

Remember that their host families come to take them home when the activity finishes at 21:30. Today, it's been a loooooong day! Good night!

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